Anything but routine

As we race to the end of another year of disruption, we take a pause to consider what 2022 might have in store.

Lexicon clients Lynn Baker from Aware Super and Phillipa Healy from Automic share what they’re looking forward to most.

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ASIC reforms take us back to marketing basics

After reviewing the product design and distribution obligations (DDO), we highlighted what we believe are the key take outs for marketers in financial services.

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Designing products for the 50%

We’re stoked to see an important gender equality milestone reached in financial services, but there’s still room for improvement. More women calling the shots at the executive level could see more customers getting what they need from financial products.

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Lisa Henderson: leaning in to leadership

Heading up a company has always been a goal for Lisa Henderson, Managing Director of Aon's Affinity business. Find out more about her journey from PR graduate to top brass for a global insurance giant.

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Book review: The Weekend by Charlotte Wood

This rich and multi-dimensional story of three female characters in their 70’s highlights the trials of ageing and the power of women and their friendships.

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Profile: Sarah Bunning, Capital Group Australia

How Capital Group's Sarah Bunning found the sweet spot in financial services marketing.

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Book review: You’re not listening by Kate Murphy

Don’t be put off by the self-help style title. This book about lack of listening is packed with insights for marketers.

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Have you cracked your value prop?

How do you make sure a pivot in your business takes you in the right direction? This is why you need your value proposition as your compass.

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