See: Louise Bourgeois at the Art Gallery of NSW

This amazing exhibition inspires us to continue learning, growing and creating.

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Managing a flood of funds management content?

Discover three ways for marketers to do more with their funds management content pipeline.

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Money and control: how financial services can help protect vulnerable women

Financial services providers are making moves to limit use of their products for abuse. But is there more they could be doing? 

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The multiplier effect: why presence matters for female leadership

For every woman added to the C-suite, three women rise to senior leadership roles. Find out more about the multiplier effect.

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Listen: If books could kill podcast

We love a good read or listen. The podcast 'If books could kill' delivers the best of both with two hilarious hosts busting myths peddled by best selling books.

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Team favourites: holiday reading and listening

It's fair to say our Lexicon team are content obsessed. In our down time we love to seek out new stories, words and music to enjoy and we've selected six of the best to share with you.

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The changing face of funds management marketing

Funds management is thriving in Australia which is great news. But it is now a mature market, which means more competition and we see many providers falling behind from a marketing perspective. After 10 years working in an industry we love, we discuss the insights driving effective marketing and brand building in this sector.

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Three key insights that still remain relevant from the Peregrine Global 100 report

The 2021 Peregrine Global 100 report highlighted interesting trends in asset management marketing, including how an effective strategy can trump a bigger budget. We explored the three key trends that still remain current for marketing teams and what they say about getting more attention for their brands in this competitive space.

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